StemInsure: Providing a Lifetime of Stem Cells for Your Dog
Why Store Stem Cells for Your Dog?
As your dog ages, he is likely to develop arthritis or injure a cruciate ligament. The StemInsure service allows fat to be collected when your dog is healthy and stores your dog's own Stem Cells so that they can be cultured to supply a lifetime of stem cell therapy.
StemInsure Description
We will collect a small sample of fat during a surgical procedure such as a spay, neuter or other surgery requiring anesthesia. We then ship the fat overnight to Vet-Stem for processing and stem cell banking.
Cell Culturing
In the future, when your dog needs stem cells, we can order cell culturing to provide a lifetime of stem cell therapy for your dog.
Banked Dose Processing
We can order the banked doses of stem cells to treat your dog any time in the future after culturing.
What can be Treated with Stem Cells?
Current uses include arthritis, tendon and ligament injuries, and muscle injuries. Future uses may include treatment of kidney, liver, heart, and immune mediated diseases.
Benefits of StemInsure
Store stem cells while your dog is young and healthy. One fat collection can provide a lifetime of stem cell therapy for your dog. StemInsure can be an affordable way to store stem cells for your dog.
Important Considerations
Cell culturing and banked dose processing incur additional cost. We can provide you with estimates of potential future costs for treatment. Vet-Stem will store the StemInsure sample for one year at no charge. After one year Vet-Stem will bill you directly for the storage of the StemInsure sample which is only $50 per year. Please see our Stem Cell Therapy page on our website for more stem cell information.